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Insider Threats

Insider threats include security threats posed by employees, contractors or vendors. This module provides examples of common behaviors that can be indicators of insider threats. 3:46 minutes


Injection is one of the most common, and harmful, security risks to web applications. This module details different types of injection and suggests effective mitigation strategies for the workplace. 4:25 minutes

How Secure Is Public WiFi? (Public WiFi)

In just one minute, this video explains the risks of connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, including how sensitive information can be intercepted by attackers. 1:00 minutes

How Much Is Too Much? (Password Security)

In less than one minute, this video reinforces the importance of keeping passwords private. 1:00 minutes


This module explains the encryption process and types of assets that can be encrypted and reinforces the importance of following encryption-related policies to protect sensitive information. 6:14 minutes

Data Security

In this module, learners are introduced to the concept of data security, its significance, and the risks posed by insecure data handling. 9:51 minutes


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