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Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

In this module, learners will cover the scope and uses of PIPEDA and learn to spot possible PIPEDA breaches before they occur. 8:24 minutes


This module is an abbreviated version of our core PCI-DSS training. It outlines the six main goals of the PCI-DSS, common threats and best practices for handling credit card data. 11:44 minutes


This module details the training, policies and procedures required for Payment Card Industry Security Standard (PCI-DSS) compliance for handling branded credit cards from major vendors. 21:43 minutes

Password Security Brief

This module will summarize the best practices associated with creating and managing strong passwords, how to safely store passwords and what to do if you suspect that a password has been compromised. 3:59 minutes

Password Security

Our interactive Password Security module shows learners how to create complex, but easy-to-remember, passwords following best practices for password creation. 21:16 minutes

One Wrong Move (Phishing)

This one-minute video shows the consequences of a phishing attack. 1:00 minutes


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