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Ransomware is malware that holds technology for ransom. This module will show learners how ransomware works, what do if an infection occurs, and how to avoid future infections. 4:38 minutes

Protecting Mobile Devices

This video covers the steps you can take to protect your device from prying eyes and theft. Topics include screen locks, encryption and frequent software and firmware updates.

Privacy and PII Brief

This abbreviated version of our core Privacy and PII training will explain the basic concepts of privacy and personally identifiable information (PII). 4:55 minutes

Privacy & EU GDPR

In this module, we review the main goals and objectives of the new European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR). 15:22 minutes

Physical Security Brief

An abbreviated version of our physical security training, this module provides basic understanding of how to avoid theft and misuse of printed materials and unattended technology. 6:07 minutes

Phishing In Brief

This module will introduce learners to the concept of phishing, teach them how to quickly identify phishing messages and show them how to verify whether or not a message is legitimate. 2:49 minutes


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