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Malware Brief

This module focuses on three key ways to prevent malware infections, details common sources of malware infections and discusses methods to help users avoid unsafe files. 3:21 minutes


This interactive module defines malware in common terms, details the dangers it poses to organizations, and discusses preventative actions. 17:01 minutes

Is It Safe? (Mobile Security)

This short video reinforces the importance of using trusted publishers when installing mobile applications. 1:00 minutes

International Travel Security

This security awareness module introduces common information security risks found when traveling abroad. 7:38 minutes

Intelligent Personal Assistant

This module defines Intelligent Personal Assistants and how they work, and explains some of the risks associated with using intelligent personal assistants in the workplace. 8:14 minutes

IoT Security

This interactive module discusses security risks related to Internet of Things (IoT), how connected devices may be attacked, and steps for safe use of IoT. 5:35 minutes


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