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Safe Web Browsing

Our interactive Safe Browsing module shows learners how hackers can launch attacks from unsafe websites and outlines best practices for safe browsing. 10:58 minutes

Reporting Phishing Emails

Our Reporting Phishing Emails module reviews the functionality of the PhishNotify button, which allows users to report suspicious emails to system administrators through Outlook, Office 365 and Gmail. 1:10 minutes

Removable Media and PHI

This module details best practices healthcare professionals can follow to safeguard protected health information and avoid infection from removable media. 8:26 minutes

Removable Media Brief

This summary course gives learners a basic understanding of the risks associated with removable media and how to avoid infection from these devices. 2:06 minutes

Removable Media

This interactive module covers two key areas of focus: safe use of removable media for legitimate purposes, and types of attacks hackers launch from “lost” removable media. 10:47 minutes

Red Flags Rule

The Red Flags Rule requires financial institutions and creditors to develop written programs, or an Identity Theft Prevention Program, to detect and avoid identity theft. 6:05 minutes


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