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SMS Phishing, or SMiShing, is used by cybercriminals to collect valuable information and distribute malware. This module includes effective ways to stop SMiShing attempts. 4:58 minutes

Shopping Online Security

This module covers steps people can take to shop online securely and protect their personal data. 4:42 minutes

Securing Mobile Devices

Mobile devices are often used for both personal and business applications. This demands a different approach to information security than traditional workplace solutions. 2:23 minutes

Securing Home Networks and Devices

This interactive module shows learners how to implement many of the same network protections at home that IT staff use at the office. 3:07 minutes

Secure Connection (Data In Transit)

This module highlights the importance of using secure connections when sending sensitive data over the Internet. 0:35 minutes

Safe Web Browsing Brief

This abbreviated version of our Safe Browsing module summarizes the best practices for safe browsing regarding pop-ups, links, hostnames and Internet connections. 4:21 minutes


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