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Phishing for Healthcare Executives

This module explains the risks phishing poses to healthcare executives and organizations, and suggests ways executives can work with their security teams and staff to keep patient information secure. 11:46 minutes

Phishing for Healthcare Managers

This module discusses phishing in detail and teaches healthcare managers how to detect phishing attempts. 13:39 minutes

Phishing for Healthcare Professionals and Providers

Healthcare professionals with access to protected health information are popular hacker targets. This module will show how to identify phishing attacks, and how to report phishing attacks. 11:07 minutes

Phishing for Educators

This interactive training explains how education-sector employees and students are targeted by phishing attacks and how to identify fake requests for student records. 9:14 minutes

Phishing for Executives

This module explains the risks phishing poses to executives and organizations, and suggests ways executives can work with their security teams and staff to keep information secure. 10:04 minutes

Phishing for Managers

This module discusses phishing in detail and teaches managers how to detect phishing attempts. It also outlines how managers can work with their teams to protect their company from phishing attacks. 11:02


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