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Phishing Assessment (Capital One)

This assessment module will test a learner’s ability to recognize suspicious email elements through a realistic email mimicking Capital One communications. 0:30 minutes

Breach Notification

This module details best practices for detecting and reporting unauthorized Protected Health Information (PHI) disclosures. 8:14 minutes

Recognizing Phishing Emails (Video)

This short video covers some of the common signs of phishing emails and how to recognize malicious links. 2:27 minutes

What Is Phishing? (Video)

This video explains the concept of phishing and outlines common tactics used by hackers to steal sensitive information. 1:46 minutes

EAL Phishing

This module teaches learners how to avoid falling victim to phishing. 2:11 minutes

Phishing for Financial Institutions

This interactive training explains how financial sector employees and customers are targeted by phishing attacks and teaches users how to recognize phishing attacks. 10:23 minutes


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