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Marine Lowlifes: Spearphish

Target sighted! Follow the hunt of that vicious but sometimes misaimed predator, the Spearphish. 1:30 minutes

Marine Lowlifes: Whaling Shark

The wonders of nature are displayed up close as the Whaling Shark chases its prey, the powerful and important Whale. 1:23 minutes

Marine Lowlifes: Common Phish

Dive into the Sea of Emails for a closer look at one of the oldest scams still swimming today: the Common Phish. 1:25 minutes

Marine Lowlifes: Clone Phish

Sink into the depths to observe the Clone Phish, which disguises itself as a previously trustworthy message to lure in prey. 1:18 minutes


This module will review critical lessons from your security awareness training to increase team retention of core program content. 2:05 minutes


The module will outline cyber threats (established and emerging), recent attacks and industry regulations, and also position employees as key players in modern cybersecurity initiatives. 5:13 minutes


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