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Need to Know: Working Remotely

Sometimes, trouble follows you home. Join in as Anthony and Ben explore the dangers of working remotely — from password cracks to malware attacks. 3:20 minutes

Need to Know: Social Engineering

Some hackers don’t need computers at all. Join Anthony and Erica in exploring the dirty business of social engineering — when all it takes is a lie to crack open a company. 4:05 minutes

Need to Know: Safe Web Browsing

It’s a jungle in there. Explore the winding paths of the internet with Anthony and Cecil as they venture into thorny areas like fake browser warnings, HTTPS and dangerous URLs. 3:54 minutes

Need to Know: Removable Media

Can a thumb drive topple a company? It’s more likely than you think. Join Anthony and Harold as they check out the dangers of removable media — the good, the bait and the ugly. 2:52 minutes

Need to Know: Physical Security

Anthony and his pal Harold talk physical security. Why do you secure everything (even the printer), and what could someone get by sneaking in? Here’s how not to leave security out in the cold. 4:15 minutes

Need to Know: Phishing

Learn how to spot the bait as Anthony guides his friend Cecil through the dangers of phishing. Is this actually a very exciting email from the boss, or is it just another hacker’s trap? 4:40 minutes


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