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Buffer Overflow

This module discusses the risks caused by buffer overflows and how to avoid them. 2:56 minutes

Acceptable Use Policy

When you start a new job or enroll in a new school, you’ll often be asked to review and sign an Acceptable Use Policy for the network. Let’s take a quick look at the purpose and contents of an AUP. 4:39 minutes

XML External Entitites (XXE)

This lesson covers how XXE attacks are executed, and how to prevent those attacks on your applications. 3:24 minutes

Insecure Deserialization

This module covers best practices for serialization - the process of turning data objects into binary streams of data. 4:06 minutes

Suspicious Hosts

Suspicious hosts are known malicious or potentially unsafe IP addresses or hostnames. This module will show how safe browsing can protect Internet users from malicious attacks from suspicious hosts. 3:50 minutes

Top 25 #1 - SQL Injection

This module discusses the risks of SQL injection attacks and how to prevent them. 2:20 minutes


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