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OWASP A1 - Injection

This module covers various types of injection and the associated risks to applications 4:35 minutes

OWASP Top Ten Overview

This module will cover the Open Web Application Security Project’s list of the ten most dangerous Web application security flaws. 36:10 minutes


This module covers the provisions of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), when an organization is subject to COPPA requirements, and how to ensure compliance with COPPA provisions. 6:11 minutes

CPNI for Providers

This security and awareness training covers Customer Proprietary Network Information, or CPNI. 7:56 minutes

CPNI for Consumers

This security and awareness training covers Customer Proprietary Network Information, or CPNI. 7:20 minutes

Safe Web Browsing for Financial Institutions

Our interactive Safe Browsing module shows how hackers can launch attacks on financial institutions from unsafe websites and outlines best practices for safe browsing for financial sector employees. 12:15 minutes


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