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Safe Use of Social Media (Video)

This short video covers the precautions you should take when making public posts on social media and provides guidance on how to spot harmful links. 1:35 minutes

Share Responsibly

This animated module covers the risks involved in oversharing information on social media. 1:51 minutes

Data Classification (Video)

This module discusses the importance of data security and how to classify data. 1:29 minutes

Personal Information (Video)

This module covers personally identifiable information and how to protect it online. 1:34 minutes

Secure Data Storage (Video)

This module covers how to securely store personal data. 2:31 minutes

Improper Error Handling

Errors are a fact of life in any system. But what happens when an error report ends up revealing a weakness? Take a closer look at the problem of improper error handling. 3:26 minutes


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