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Privacy for HR

This module will cover the basics of Personally-Identifiable Information security for human resources. 12:40 minutes

Privacy for Managers

This module will cover the basics of Personally-Identifiable Information security for managers. 11:24 minutes

Privacy for Executives.

This module will cover the basics of Personally-Identifiable Information security for executives. 10:44 minutes

Breach Notification for Healthcare Managers

This module details HIPAA’s definition of a breach, breach disclosure requirements (including an overview of the concept of safe harbor) and recommended breach detection and notification methods. 8:54 minutes

Social Engineering for Financial Institutions

This social engineering module teaches a three-step method to add clarity to a confusing conversation, verify suspicious requests and identity theft prevention prescribed by the Red Flags Rule. 7:21 minutes

Social Engineering for Healthcare Managers

This module explains the social engineering methods hackers use, review HIPAA requirements regarding external requests for PHI, and teach managers to work with staff to prevent PHI breaches and leaks. 8:49 minutes


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