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CJIS: Handling CJI

This module defines criminal justice information (CJI), the protocols required to access and handle CJI and the consequences of noncompliance. 9:02 minutes

Protecting Federal Tax Information

This module provides an overview of federal tax information (FTI), outlines penalties for unauthorized disclosure, and best practices for avoiding unauthorized disclosure. 8:06 minutes


The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) monitors the international business community to prevent bribes, kickbacks and other unacceptable practices when interacting with foreign officials. 9:34 minutes

Handling SSA Provided Information

This module will review federally-required practices for safely using and storing SSAprovided data, including best practices, review of applicable laws, and civil and criminal penalties for PII loss. 10:43 minutes

Electronic Funds Transfer Act (EFTA)

The Electronic Funds Transfer Act covers what consumers and banks should do if there are fraudulent charges. 9:03 minutes

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)

This module covers The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX), a law enacted to combat major, large-scale corporate and accounting fraud. 4:56 minutes


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