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Malware and PHI

Malware infections are considered a HIPAA security incident. This module teaches healthcare professionals how to identify malware and actions organizations can take to avoid malware infections. 9:36 minutes

Malware for Executives

Executives are often targeted by hackers via malware, or malicious software. This module explains malware risks in detail and outlines steps executives can take to proactively keep their data secure. 7:23 minutes

Security Awareness for IT Professionals

This module explains fundamental concepts of information security and the important role IT professionals play in protecting organizational data assets. 10:37 minutes

Malware for Managers

This module will help managers understand the risks of malware, how to prevent installation and provide guidance on how managers can help their team and comply with internal security policies. 8:41 minutes

Protecting Mobile Devices (Video)

This video covers the steps you can take to protect your device from prying eyes and theft. Topics include screen locks, encryption and frequent software and firmware updates. 1:17 minutes

Where Is Your Device? (Backups)

This 60-second video details the importance of physical security and frequent data backups. 1:00 minutes


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