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PHI Policy (Video)

This video shows the importance of formulating and implementing organizational policy regarding PHI. 1:25 minutes

PHI Life Cycle (Video)

This video follows PHI from creation to disposal, and covers the specific definitions used by HIPAA to define that life cycle 1:59 minutes

PHI Definition (Video)

This video explains Protected Health Information (PHI) and provides examples of individually identifiable health information. 1:14 minutes

Introduction To HIPAA (Video)

This module briefly covers the main points of HIPAA compliance. 1:23 minutes


Our role-based HIPAA/HITECH module defines Protected Health Information (PHI), explains the need for PHI security and outlines best practices for handling PHI. 14:16 minutes

Election Security

What can you do to prevent election fraud? More than you may think! In one short video, you’ll explore the dos and don’ts of ensuring a safe and secure election process. 3:55 minutes


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