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FAR Code of Conduct

Learners will explore the FAR Code of Conduct and the requirements for staying in compliance as a contractor for the federal government. 5:36 minutes

CJIS Policy: Dissemination & Destruction

This module outlines how to properly dispose of criminal justice information (CJI), how to locate and remove CJI securely, when CJI should be destroyed and best practices for destroying CJI. 7:05 minutes

CJIS Policy: Physical Security

This module covers the necessary defenses against unauthorized access to your facility and any paper copies of criminal justice information in your possession. 9:25 minutes

Introduction to NIST 800-171

NIST 800-171 is just one of many federal publications that contractors and companies working with the government are required to comply with. This module will introduce you to NIST 800-171: what it is, and what to do about it. 13:33 minutes

Physical Security And Student Records

This module will review best practices for physical security as it relates to protecting printed student educational and personal information and electronic record transmission. 9:32 minutes

Complying with NIST 800-171

This security and awareness module will explore the issue of organizational compliance with NIST 800-171 guidelines. 10:39 minutes


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