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Removable Media and PHI for Executives

This module details best practices healthcare executives can implement across their organizations to safeguard protected health information and avoid infection from removable media. 9:13 minutes

Removable Media and PHI for Healthcare Managers

This module details best practices healthcare managers can follow to safeguard protected health information and avoid infection from removable media. 9:59 minutes

Physical Security and PHI for Healthcare Managers

This module reviews best practices for physical security as it relates to HIPAA compliance, including facility access, device storage, physical record management and electronic record transmission. 12:14 minutes

Physical Security and PHI for Healthcare Executives

This module reviews best practices for physical security as it relates to HIPAA compliance, including facility access, device storage, physical record management and electronic record transmission. 11:42 minutes

Physical Security and PHI

HIPAA includes specific requirements for physical safeguards that every organization should have in place to secure protected health information (PHI). 10:19 minutes

Ransomware and HIPAA

This short module will teach learners the risks of ransomware in the healthcare industry, including whether a ransomware infection is considered a HIPAA data breach. 6:20 minutes


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