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WORKed Episode 11: X-Men

Welcome to the danger room. Danger conference room, really. Teach your employees about the importance of mobile security with this WORKed training module. 2:44 minutes

WORKed Episode 10: Travel Stories

Jack gets a little risky on the road. Teach your employees the keys to working remotely with this WORKed training module. 2:46 minutes

WORKed Episode 9: Tailgating

This week, the gang teases Ed and it’s totally justified. Show your employees why physical security is so important with this WORKed training module. 1:17 minutes

WORKed Episode 8: Eagle Eye

Keep your head on a swivel and your screen down. Teach your employees to watch out for shoulder surfing in this WORKed training module. 1:55 minutes

WORKed Episode 7: Laptop Down

We’ve got a situation. Well, they do. Show your employees the importance of device security with this WORKed training module. 2:19 minutes

WORKed Episode 6: Demons

A strong team treats office security like they are protecting their castle. From orcs and stuff. Teach your employees how to avoid malware in this WORKed training module. 2:40 minutes


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