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Check Yourself (BEC)

This module emphasizes the need to verify wire transfers. 1:00 minutes

H@ckj0b Season 1 Episode 1 “Recon”

h@ckj0b is your security team’s worst nightmare come to life. Will TechniCorp Dynamix survive Vermintooth’s assault, or will Tim leave them to deal with the mess they’ve gotten themselves into? 5:28 minutes

Every Step You Take (Mentoring)

After you’ve learned good security practices, you should share your knowledge with others. 0:35 minutes

Double Check (Verifying Wire Transfers)

This micro-learning module emphasizes the importance of verifying wire transfers. 0:35 minutes

Knowledge Is Power (Security Training)

Security training should be a part of your daily life. 0:35 minutes

Identifying Social Engineering (Video)

This brief overview covers the hallmarks of social engineering attacks and how to prevent them. 1:29 minutes


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