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Protecting Mobile Devices (Video)

This video covers the steps you can take to protect your device from prying eyes and theft. Topics include screen locks, encryption and frequent software and firmware updates. 1:17 minutes

Where Is Your Device? (Backups)

This 60-second video details the importance of physical security and frequent data backups. 1:00 minutes

Mobile Security for Educators

This module identifies the security risks educational institutions face from business-based mobile device use. 6:00 minutes

Mobile Security for Financial Institutions

This module identifies the security risks financial institutions face from business-based mobile device use, malicious applications designed to attack financial accounts and possible FINRA violations. 6:31 minutes

Mobile Security for Healthcare Managers

This security awareness module covers best practices for ensuring HIPAA compliance when using mobile devices to store or access protected health information. 7:32 minutes

Mobile Security for Healthcare Executives

In this module, we review the risks of conducting business on mobile devices and public networks, and share best practices for working remotely at home and abroad. 6:49 minutes


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