Course Catalog

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Injection is one of the most common, and harmful, security risks to web applications. This module details different types of injection and suggests effective mitigation strategies for the workplace. 4:25 minutes

How Secure Is Public WiFi? (Public WiFi)

In just one minute, this video explains the risks of connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, including how sensitive information can be intercepted by attackers. 1:00 minutes

How Much Is Too Much? (Password Security)

In less than one minute, this video reinforces the importance of keeping passwords private. 1:00 minutes


This module explains the encryption process and types of assets that can be encrypted and reinforces the importance of following encryption-related policies to protect sensitive information. 6:14 minutes

Data Security

In this module, learners are introduced to the concept of data security, its significance, and the risks posed by insecure data handling. 9:51 minutes

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Cross-site scripting (XXS) allows attackers to run scripts in a victim’s browser to bypass access controls. In this module, we explain three types of XSS attacks and suggest XXS prevention measures. 3:35 minutes

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

In this module, we’ll review common exploitation techniques and ways learners can protect applications from cross-site request forgery. 3:16 minutes

Creating a Cyber Secure Home

This module covers steps people can take to protect their home networks and personal devices, and the value of creating backups of important files. 5:31 minutes

Cloud Services

This module will define the cloud and different types of cloud services available, and explain the benefits and risks of cloud-based services. 6:53 minutes

Business Email Compromise (BEC)

BEC scams occur when attackers impersonate company stakeholders and trick your employees into transferring money or sharing confidential information. This module suggests defenses against this tactic. 1:14 minutes

Broken Authentication and Session Management

This module describes what incorrect implementation of authentication and session management functions are, and explains how it can allow attackers to assume other users’ identities. 4:39  minutes

Broken Access Control

This module covers broken access control, types of attacks and how to prevent them. 3:00 minutes

Avoiding Cybersecurity Risks for Executives

This security awareness module explains why top-level managers are targeted by malicious hackers, details common attack methods, and offers recommendations for avoiding security risks. 9:45 minutes

Am I Hacked?

Learn the signs that your computer or one of your devices has been hacked, and how to respond. 2:10 minutes
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