Course Catalog

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WORKed Episode 7: Laptop Down

We’ve got a situation. Well, they do. Show your employees the importance of device security with this WORKed training module. 2:19 minutes

WORKed Episode 6: Demons

A strong team treats office security like they are protecting their castle. From orcs and stuff. Teach your employees how to avoid malware in this WORKed training module. 2:40 minutes

WORKed Episode 5: Mallomars

You can be nice and still question everything that comes your way. Help your employees avoid social engineering attacks with this WORKed training module. 1:43 minutes

WORKed Episode 4: Coffee Guy

Watch to discover Charlie’s password to EVERYTHING. Help your employees select strong passwords with this WORKed training module. 2:00 minutes

WORKed Episode 3: Robot Lawnmower

Is Ed getting scammed? You decide. But the answer is totally yes. Teach your employees the basics of safe web browsing with this WORKed training module. 1:54 minutes

WORKed Episode 2: Evite

I doth see a vision of scammery! Help your employees avoid phishing attacks with this WORKed training module. 2:24 minutes

WORKed: Teaser

Use the WORKed Teaser video to draw attention to your campaign and preview what’s to come. 0:34 minutes


This interactive training module covers voice phishing, or vishing, a simple but effective technique cybercriminals and scam artists use to collect confidential information. 6:44 minutes

Underprotected APIs

This module defines underprotected application programming interfaces (APIs), explains why API security is important and discusses common attack methods and mitigation strategies. 2:54 minutes


Spearphishing occurs when phishing messages are tailored for targeted individuals. This interactive module will help teams identify and avoid spearphishing attempts.

2:40 minutes

Social Media

This module explains common security risks related to the use of social media in business, and ways that learners can protect themselves and their company from social media threats. 6:14 minutes

Social Engineering Brief

This module walks learners through the key components of social engineering and how to recognize and respond to suspicious requests. 3:38 minutes

Social Engineering

Our Social Engineering module teaches a three-step method to add clarity to a confusing conversation, challenge the other person’s identity and verify suspicious requests. 12:54 minutes


SMS Phishing, or SMiShing, is used by cybercriminals to collect valuable information and distribute malware. This module includes effective ways to stop SMiShing attempts. 4:58 minutes

Shopping Online Security

This module covers steps people can take to shop online securely and protect their personal data. 4:42 minutes

Securing Mobile Devices

Mobile devices are often used for both personal and business applications. This demands a different approach to information security than traditional workplace solutions. 2:23 minutes

Securing Home Networks and Devices

This interactive module shows learners how to implement many of the same network protections at home that IT staff use at the office. 3:07 minutes

Secure Connection (Data In Transit)

This module highlights the importance of using secure connections when sending sensitive data over the Internet. 0:35 minutes

Safe Web Browsing Brief

This abbreviated version of our Safe Browsing module summarizes the best practices for safe browsing regarding pop-ups, links, hostnames and Internet connections. 4:21 minutes

Safe Web Browsing

Our interactive Safe Browsing module shows learners how hackers can launch attacks from unsafe websites and outlines best practices for safe browsing. 10:58 minutes

Reporting Phishing Emails

Our Reporting Phishing Emails module reviews the functionality of the PhishNotify button, which allows users to report suspicious emails to system administrators through Outlook, Office 365 and Gmail. 1:10 minutes

Removable Media Brief

This summary course gives learners a basic understanding of the risks associated with removable media and how to avoid infection from these devices. 2:06 minutes

Removable Media

This interactive module covers two key areas of focus: safe use of removable media for legitimate purposes, and types of attacks hackers launch from “lost” removable media. 10:47 minutes


Ransomware is malware that holds technology for ransom. This module will show learners how ransomware works, what do if an infection occurs, and how to avoid future infections. 4:38 minutes

Protecting Mobile Devices

This video covers the steps you can take to protect your device from prying eyes and theft. Topics include screen locks, encryption and frequent software and firmware updates.

Privacy and PII Brief

This abbreviated version of our core Privacy and PII training will explain the basic concepts of privacy and personally identifiable information (PII). 4:55 minutes
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